Special Education for Learning Disabled Child

What is Learning Disability?

Learning disability is a neurological disorder, results from the difference of person's brain is "wired." Children with learning disabilities are as smart as other children of their age. Commonly, five types of learning disabilities can be seen among our children,

  • Reading disability or Reading disorder(Dyslexia)
  • Mathematical disability(Dyscalculia)
  • Writing disability (Dysgraphia)
  • Sensory disabilities (Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders)
  • Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

Some Learning Disabled Legends in the History

  • Albert Einstein couldn't read until he was nine
  • Walt Disney, General George Patton, and Nelson Rockefeller had trouble in reading
  • Whoopi Goldberg and Charles Schwab are some other examples

Symptoms of a Learning Disabled child

Reading disability or Reading disorder

  • A language-based disability
  • Trouble in understanding written words.

Mathematical disability

  • Difficulty in solving arithmetic problems and grasping math concepts
  • Confused in mathematical operations

Writing disability

  • Hard to form letters or write within a defined space.

Sensory disabilities

  • Difficulty in understanding language despite normal hearing and vision.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

  • A neurological disorder.
  • Causing problems with visual, organizational, evaluative skills.

How Parents should approach the Learning Disability problem?

Parents play the key role in the success of a learning disabled child. Under the guidance of a professional child and adolescent counsellor, the parents can find out the weakness and strength of the child. Then the child must be trained under a special educator, who can guide the child how to cope with the studies. In short, the parents can deal with specific difficulties as listed below.

  • Notice the symptoms in your child
  • Consult with an experienced Child and adolescent counsellor
  • Take necessary assessment tests as directed by the counsellor
  • Train the child under a special educator

Features of Special Education Training at Lifecare

  • A Learning Disabled child must take assessment test to find out exact problem, get counselling under a child counsellor and trained under a special educator. All these facilities are available at Lifecare under the same roof.
  • Your Child’s details will be highly confidential
  • Affordable
  • Special training for parents to deal with and motivate the child
  • Service of professionally trained experts
  • Friendly approach with your dear one
  • We assure changes in your child

How Do I get started?

Step 1

Call us to schedule your first appointment. At this time you will be allotted with a communication session with our child and adolescent counsellor regarding the problems your child face.

Step 2

You will be scheduled for a direct counselling session with the counsellor at Lifecare. For this session, you are expected to come with your child. The counsellor will redirect the child to the special educator, along with her report.

Step 3

Depending on the intensity of the problem, you will be referred for a special education training of very short duration or for a continuing training.

Are you looking for the service of a Special Educator ?

Contact us on 8157882795